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Add a 'vacation vibe' to your Christmas Dinner! ( part 3)

Tropical Trifle

Gingerbread Cake

I have made many gingerbread cakes and I really like this recipe, it is very easy and makes a 9"x13" cake, depending on the size of your trifle you may not use the whole cake. Google - 'Tastes Better from Scratch' Gingerbread Cake by Lauren Allen.

Bird's Rum Custard

Follow the instructions on the side of the can for ingredients and cooking instructions

( I use the microwave version) and substitute 2.5 cups of milk with 2 1/4 cups of milk and 1/4 cup rum. When the custard is finished cooking stir in 1 teaspoon rum flavouring and 2 tablespoons of butter. Cover with plastic wrap on top of the custard

(so a skin does not form) and refrigerate.


In a glass bowl, place cubed pieces of gingerbread cake (approximately 1/4 of the cake, or more) enough to cover the bottom of the bowl. Slice 1 banana and place on top of cake. Cover with half of the custard. Add another layer of cubed gingerbread cake (1/4 of cake, or more), top with 1 cup chopped mangos (I used frozen, thaw first). Cover with remaining custard. Top with whipped cream and garnish with toasted coconut and red Maraschino cherries. Refrigerate and enjoy!


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